It’s quite interesting when we voluntarily shine a light onto the Good and Evil forces; their intricate mechanisms are vividly shown to us. With careful observation, we are capable of comprehending these mystical powerful forces that weave the fabric of the Universe.
Let’s take Good as an example. Good is a force that works inside out. The center point of your Good power resides in the depths of your Being. It’s mentioned in all Religious books. You know it intuitively. It’s your Spirit. It is You, present inside the vast layers of Conciseness that make you; The Soul. Guiding you, helping you. Always there. But, it’s not evident in itself. It cannot grab you and force you to do the right thing. We have the ability to choose. A willingness to choose Good and live by it is required. To introspect. To be aware of our inner dialog and to listen carefully. Like a gentle hand, it moves us in the right direction. Some call it faith. Some luck. Things start working for us, with time and most importantly with obedient, blind faith toward it. It will shine itself directly from the depths of the Soul and guide us towards a way that becomes understandable only after we have crossed over.
Now let’s see the Evil. This power works in the opposite direction. It starts from the outside world and tries to affect you. To warp your reality, to make you fearful so it can affect you on the inside, to put a heavy cloud so the Soul becomes lost and we become deaf to the inner dialog of Wisdom. Evil is outside, well, for most people at least, which haven’t sold their Souls. It can also come in other forms. Take Greed as an example, or Power. Power in the sense of dictatorship, where it promotes oppression rather than empowerment. Living under oppression leads to another observed phenomenon called: learned helplessness – meaning passively observing injustice around you and on you, as if it’s normal and acceptable. This is a slave mentality that offers no active response or resistance against injustice.
This kind of behavior supports Evil which takes its turn in form of greediness, selfishness, and brutality which further lures people into an endless cycle of desire and materialism. Materialism is an illusion that only feeds the Ego and the body. When we realize that all material things that we collect in this world do not belong to us, we leave them behind as we go, then this realization gives us liberation. It’s a form of awareness that brings freedom – we are no longer slaves to our desires; we no longer crave material products and pleasures of this world. Now, this is food for the Soul. We must never allow this.
That is why we always must be inwardly focused. Towards the unlimited depth of our Soul, it has everything we need. Waiting for the light of the Conscious to shine upon and manifest them into Reality itself. The deep meaningful knowledge stored for Eons, just waiting for us to Remember. Use this power. Meditate, focus inside. And see how “magically” you reach your potential and increase the overall pool of Positive Energy in the Cosmos.
Thank you for reading.
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